Monday 12 February 2007

The world gets madder..

Or should that be more mad?

Apparently not – Word has put the annoying green squiggle under that.

The big news today is the AC Neilson poll results. Rudd has severely outpolled Howard again, and this time by quite a margin.

Well, that I was supposed to be the big news. Unfortunately Howard said something, and as Howard tends to do when he is allowed to speak for himself, he stuffed it up. It has caused quite a kerfuffle (love that word – the spell check thinks it is “kafuffle” – stupid Miscrosoft). Almost every new website I checked had the story on its front page.
The Blogocracy post today generated a flurry of excitement but I think there is an orgy of glee from the Left for the wrong reasons.

Perhaps from a foreign policy perspective it is not very intelligent to jeopardise relations with an ally like that.

On the other hand, will this really jeopardise relations? Surely Obama is smart enough to know that it is only Johnny’s opinion. I think most Americans are smart enough to realise that whatever Latham said, and whatever Johnny says, the two countries are more than the opinions of their leaders. Whatever you say about Bush, I think most Americans are more intelligent than we give them credit for - remember, most Yanks don’t vote.

I don’t think the content of Johnny’s words will lose him many votes - on the contrary, I remember a fair bit of the reaction when Latham made his comment was “good on him, he can say what he wants.” Those of us who realise it was a stupid thing to do in light of intrenational relations may be right, but that doesn’t change the fact that a hell of a lot of Johnny lovers don’t care about that.

It is right to acknowledge this bodes well for Labor, but mainly because it shows that Howard is losing it a bit. He wouldn’t have made a mistake like this a while ago.

He really is getting old.

Finally, I have just read a comment on the Obama story by a right wing nutjob. It was a comment on the main Obama story on the website.

This guy used a Noam Chomsky quote to support his contention that left wingers are idiots and Howard and Bush are top blokes.

And he wasn’t being ironic.


Anonymous said...

i finally realised what bothered me about the comment by bonzai. it wasn't that he didn't support obie bama kanobe, why would he? johnny hearts bush. it's what he said. it niggled me and i couldn't figure out why. my inner teacher finally came out. johnny's comment was just dumb. make a circle and pray for the democrats to win? oh johnny...

i think if you want the zoltar galaxy to collapse, then you should get all the boys in the class to make a circle and point at that new kid's willy!!

obama has my vote, because i'm a monster staunch supporter of the dreamy party. and he is dwweeemy!

Nabla said...

Do you actually get to vote for Obummer? (I like the guy - I just had to spell it like that...)
Also, I heard his surname pronounced five different ways on the news last night.