Friday 9 February 2007

Puritanical psychosis

I am surely not the first to observe this phenomenon. It is prevalent in many Western countries, in particular the US. I am not entirely sure of the historical basis for this, but I suspect it has to do with the weird folk with buckles on their hats who murdered the native folk and only shagged for procreation.

As an aside – it may be the result of too many movies, but I cannot think of these folk without imaging the devil and glowing eyes.

You may ask yourself what has inspired these thoughts. Of course, you may not, but I have to assume that you do – artistic purposes, you understand.

I used to subscribe the Bulletin magazine. It was not a bad read, and I could leave it lying around on the coffee table to make me look intelligent. About the time the editor of the Bulletin moved to Channel 9 to work on their news section, the Bulletin went to shit. It became nothing more than a print version of the Sunday program, and, at times, started to resemble A Current Affair. I made my decision to cancel my subscription, and did so. Of course, they only got my request to cancel after I had already paid for another year, so I still get the bloody things.

Occasionally there are flashes of its former brilliance. Firstly, they gave Tim Blair the arse, which was a good start. Then they had Peter Garrett on the cover. This last made me question my decision to cancel for a moment.

Until this week’s.

It started out quite well, actually, with an insightful and well written piece about the coming election.

But the twenty plus pages of business crap were not a good thing. Then Newsweek.

Which brings me to the topic.

Americans are even more obsessed with sex than the Poms. To read Newsweek, you would thing that the single greatest threat to the youth of today is them seeing a naked boobie.

Not getting hooked on ice.

Not getting morbidly obese and going blind from diabetes.

And certainly not getting shipped off to a Gulf State to fight for another man’s oil.

No, seeing Britney’s shaved nether regions is a direct threat to their moral fibre.

Internet porn is going to bring down Western Society.

I recall watching an interview with Spike Lee a few years back. He had just made a movie in which he had deliberately added some ultra violent death scenes – people getting their ears ripped off, shot in the face, that sort of thing. He did it to make a point.

You see, his movie also had some graphic sex scenes.

Funnily enough, the sex scenes had to be removed. None of the violence did.

Is it me, or are our morals completely stuffed? Perhaps we don’t want our kids imitating Britney and shagging crap rap stars (I, for one, would advise every one to avoid that), but maybe we don’t want them slicing off small chunks of their mates brains and eating them, either. (I once saw ten year olds watching Hannibal).

Suffice to say, the Bulletin still sucks.


Anonymous said...

shaved? waxed. no, not waxed. sugar. sugar is the new big thing.

and dearie... pink smilies sell mags more than anything else. boobies and pink smilies will sell more than plights and fights. walk down the street. what do the newsagencies put out on the curb? boobies and smilies. even clothed. babes on the covers. who reads them? the puffy ladies-who-lunch riding the bus back from the latest sale at myers back to their homes full of doilies and tea cozies.

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention diversionary tactics - what would Newsweek or the Bulletin have devoted their print pages to otherwise? Perhaps the more significant issues for the country/ globe!! Ne-e-h!