Thursday 25 January 2007

"He remains delusional”

This next may be somewhat controversial, I will preface by stating that Holocaust deniers are dangerous lunatics. That said, isn’t the consistent use of the Holocaust by some Israelis to justify aggression just a bit disrespectful?

The whole Middle East situation is problematic for me, a person who likes to pontificate on most everything.

I can remember as a kid being suitably impressed when told about how those tough little Israelis successfully defended their tiny little country from the evil intentions of their Arab neighbours in various short, intense conflicts. Sort of an underdog thing – and what Aussie doesn’t like the underdog?

Then I got old enough to understand what the news images of Israeli soldiers shooting kids throwing rocks meant. And at the same time, the blowing up of people on buses in Tel Aviv wasn’t very pretty, either.

Who the bloody hell was in the right?

It’s only now that I realise the danger of applying Western (I mean genre, not political sphereJ) storylines to real situations. Shit, I even started to find out that the Indians weren’t all bad, either. (I blame mum for giving me “Bury my heart at Wounded Knee” to read for that – “You like reading Louis L’amour? Here, read this.”)

It is never black and white, is it? Problem is, too many people think it is.

Like Dubya.

"He remains delusional”

Succinct, isn’t it? It was, of course, said about Dubya. This was the response from Greenpeace’s Steve Sawyer when asked about Dubya’s new environmental stance.

Off topic, maybe, but certainly apt.


Have a good weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have you read o'er the earth i come? more sioux.