Friday 26 January 2007

The Bris at Dusk

Morning all.

This one was taken from just near the Brett's Wharf restaurant at Hamilton. That blur is the citycat going through the shot, also leaving the wake. The rest is self explanatory - Brisvegas skyline, river, sky and clouds. I have just sharpened it a bit in Photoshop and cropped a bit of the river out, no other post processing.

This was one of the first shots I took with the Sony Alpha DSLR. The details are below:
Focal length: 70mm (using the 18-70mm lens that came with it zoomed right out)
Aperture: F/16
Shutter speed: 4 sec
ISO: 100
Taken 19/11/2006 6:46PM.



Anonymous said...

all those cranes.
would like to see what the skyline looks like after those cranes are down.

i want to get mice and name them after the word verifications. yfrefi, pronounced ee-FREH-fee, would be the matriarch.

Sarah said...

kbfzaen (Ke-bif-zane) - The runt of the litter.

Pretty pic, sir.