Friday 5 October 2007

You say times are tough...

...we've got the best of both worlds here.

So, the question I had for today was – is Peter Garrett a sellout? I was beginning to agonise a bit over that, but I realise the simple answer

As much as a whole bunch of people are carping on at the moment about his acceptance of US bases, uranium mining, Gunns pulp mill acquiescence, etc, etc; at least he might shortly be in a position to actually do something about it.

Put your single issue ideology aside for a tic and think about it carefully – the ex-lead singer of the Oils as environment minister.

It gives me goosebumps.

I really believe that when Ruddy skips down the carpet at the victory speech Power and the Passion should be blaring out over the PA.

Or maybe “Been Away Too Long”

Have I been away too long
Have I been away too long
Have I been away too long
I just can't wait

I imagine completeness
No spin cycle deceit
Time and tide keep on rolling
Now the world’s at my feet

Of course King of the Mountain is the obvious choice – it reminds me of the rubbery figures ads on telly advertising an Oils tour when I was a kid – Hewson and Keating and I think Oaks – Keatings doll singing while Hewson’s looked sad and wobbly. Well, they were all wobbly I guess, but still.

Maybe not Mountains of Burma, though, given the lack of action on that one.

I was going to go from here to some more photos, but more often than not the work server blocks my ability to upload anything but text, so you might just have to wait until the net is back at home.

Hasta la semana proxima.


1 comment:

mangoman said...

We run a great risk as a society if take the line that everything a person ever says or does will be held against them - forever.

We know that Peter Garret cares deeply about the environment. We know that neither the lead singer of Midnight Oil nor the former head of the ACF could get elected to the Parliament.

I would rather a passionate, hard headed, pragmatist who can compromise than a passionate ideologue who can't.

After he finishes in environment I would like to see him in Indigenous affairs.