Thursday 4 October 2007

Just a quick note...

October 4 headline roundup:
CCTV pics of Lady Di.

Beer can bomb hoax.

Swim star’s daughter marries just before passing away.

Britney has visiting rights, and Dr Phil wants to help.

Ecstasy stash in potato head.

Home and Away breaches ‘G’ classification.

BBC News:
Australia bans African refugees

NY Times:
Australia bans African refugees.

Washington Post:
Australia bans African refugees.

I can’t decide if I’m happy or unhappy that most of the world won’t see today.

Time for a beer.


Anonymous said...

I think you should be more concerned that for a large number of Australian's and it's afflilitates are their only source of news.
It saddens me to think that a large portion of Australia's population think that the most important thing happening in world news relates to an American popstars custdoy disputes.

Anonymous said...

John Howard got a couple of his wishes didn't he!!

mangoman said...

We can't go overseas until this embarrassment is gone and we have a compassionate immigration program.

Not sure what we do with My ban on the Australian is clearly not working yet. The one on Shell took many, many years to take effect but, eventually it did.

Must be a way to fix it.