Tuesday 15 May 2007

With four hundred children...

...and a crop in the fields.

At least, that's what I always thought it said.

Anyway, I've been a bit busy lately with an assignment on Aboriginal Economic Development, in particular the new land tenure arrangements. So if you want to know about it... go ask mangoman, coz I made most of it up.

And by busy, well, you know. It's not so much that I was actually engaged in the process, more that I couldn't justify writing something which wasn't uni related.

Mostly, I wrote nothing at all, but at least it wasn't off the track.

I have noticed that I have not yet posted a things that shit me list, and in the blog world, that seems to be a prerequisite. I believe that’s because negative people have more time to write and broadcast it to the world.

There are a few things that pop into my head instantly, but on further consideration just make me look like a wanker.

Like old people walking slow used to get to me, but I realise now that that’s my problem.

So I’ll just quickly list a couple of things about blogs that shit me.

Top of the list is people that remove the next blog button from their template. If I was a hacker, I’d paste nude photos of Bush and Thatcher on their page it annoys me so much.
People that get precious and wank on in their posts shit me. Now, I know that's what blogging is about, and I am guilty myself - and that's why I just stop reading them.
People that post lists of things merely because they’ve not blogged for a while and need to post something and can’t think of anything shit me too.
And that's about it. Can't think of anything else, really.

Most of what shits me about blogs is merely a result of my thinking the topics are stupid, or boring, and that again is likely my problem.

Politics wise, it's been a good week.

The budget came out, some people thought it would give the Libs a boost in the polls, I was only a little worried.

And, as it turns out in the latest Newspoll, it hasn't. Not in the slightest. (Incidentally, for a poll carried out by the Australian, it lasted about 10 seconds on their website - The Oz, biased? Noooo...)

But it's okay, say the Libs, wait until the actual Budget bribes hit the punters' bank accounts.

Which should be about the same time the record credit card bills and mortgage payments come out again.

I try not to get too hopeful, but it is hard not to.

On another note, I sometimes think Mother's Day is an exercise in commercialisation, but isn't this going a bit far? I think the kid read Musashi one too many times.



Anonymous said...

No, you no longer complain about old people walking slowly now you've broadened your complaints to a general dislike of 'people who walk like turtles'.
Sadly, you're right though, turtle people piss me off too! ;)

le shaz said...

oh all hail the mighty federal government for the $14 tax cut we have received.

i'm sure the extra funds will cover my ever-increasing food bill, or ever-increasing petrol bill, or...well, you get the idea.

my heart jumped a little when i read that newspoll. and then i made a cup of tea with a smile on my face.

mangoman said...

Rush, rush, rush that is all you young people do these days! We old folks just mosey along - moving our our crook hips in unison.

I too have just a little hope, but not too much. I remember too well the crashing despair when the population sold out after Treasurer 'Honest' John promised them $7.60.

Now I realise that this happened many, many years ago but have we woken up yet that being bribed with your own money makes you look pretty stupid?