Thursday 17 May 2007

Ba Baaaaaaaaa....

...this is the sound of Centrelink.

And I'm bored, so I've been surfing the news sites. Here's a couple I liked.

Indian Whisky – caught my eye, but it wasn’t what I thought. Turns out the “Indian Richard Branson” has just bought the company that makes, among many other things, Glayva liquer. Expect a rise in drunken telemarketers.

After hours chute for babies – A kid that was able to tell the nurses that his dad dropped him off was left in the after hours drop off chute at a Japanese hospital His dad will still get stung with the late fee as it was after 6.

Fully furnished – Someone buys a flat in Spain and finds a dead woman on the couch. Turns out the woman’s brother’s ex-girlfriend’s cousin’s friend had a one night stand with the wife of a guy whose brother once cleaned a toilet at an American naval base. NCIS has been called.

Why Europeans weren’t completely wiped out by the Black Death – turns out they all had herpes. Or something.
Seems it’s good for you. I still don’t want it.

That is all.



Anonymous said...

Denozo will get to the bottom of it!

Anonymous said...

Ba baaaaaaaaa

(ba baaaaaaaaa)