Tuesday 20 March 2007

River Runs Red...

...black rain falls.

Or sort of blue, in this case.

I went for a walk down to Portside Wharf this evening.

By myself.

Which, as it turned out, was a good thing, given how much time I wasted down there. In addition, having had a few beers before I went down, I thought it would be a top idea to climb down into the disgusting river mud to get a better angle.

It wasn't, and I didn't.

But I did get these shots.

All with 20-30 seconds of exposure, iso 100, various f-stops just to get the right exposure. Basically I just adjusted the aperture to get as long a shutter speed as possible to smooth out the water.

By the way, I've played around with Photoshop settings, so the images are higher quality and may take a sec to load.


(PS the last shot with the branches isn't great, but it was an experiment where I had the camera flash once to pick of the twigs, then a 30 second exposure. I think it might work with some practice)


Anonymous said...

Yes the twigs are nice - the lights are a bit bright though. Still raining daily here and some lovely clouds. Pity I see them as I'm driving along, not when I've got a camera.

Anonymous said...

i like the twigs. work on it. it's spooky. next time try to get a wight in the photo.

Sherd said...

Yeah, or a dryad would be cool too.

Or Sam or Dean. Either one.

Anonymous said...

Dean, I reckon. But if he's at Portside I'll definitely come with you!